Historical Costuming Resources

Online & in print — era by era

Medieval & Renaissance/Tudor   •   Rococo/18th Century   •   Regency/Empire/Napoleonic-Era
Victorian/19th Century & Steampunk   •   Vintage/20th Century

     Our local historical costuming community is incredibly creative, resourceful, and supportive, and the fabulous period garments you make inspire us daily! We thought it would be valuable to maintain a consolidated space where we could share all our favorite educational books, websites, videos, etc. Obviously this project is at its very beginning stages, but we hope to add more eras to it soon. To that end, we'd greatly appreciate your input, so if you have anything you'd like to add to these pages, please let us know!

© 2023 Lacis Museum of Lace & Textiles

2982 Adeline St., Berkeley, CA 94703