California's Living Knitted Lace Treasures

A Tribute To

Gracie Larsen and Marguerite Shimmons

February 1st - April 1st 2009

These two ladies, who in very different ways, brought recognition and respect to lace knitting,
recognizing it as an art form are deservedly celebrated and honored in this exhibit researched
and organized by Lisa Neidinger, a committed supporter of lace knitting and LMLT.

Gracie remains a gatherer of knitted lace enthusiasts and all related resources, never missing an
occasion to promote and demonstrate at fairs and conferences serving as a vital resource for lace knitters.

Marguerite remains the consummate lace knitter with fingers that never stop and a
soul devoted to beautiful lace as can be witnessed by a home filled with her accomplishments.
Sharing is her forte as she spent many hours promoting this art form at
The National Needlework Association trade show early this year.
She has generously donated a substantial collection of her works to LMLT which can be viewed at

Gracie Larsen Show Catalog
Marguerite Shimmons Show Catalog

Lacis Museum of Lace and Textiles